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Dried flowers can be a healthy addition to the diet of dwarf hamsters, golden hamsters, mice, rats, chinchillas, degus, rabbits, guinea pigs, budgies, cockatiels and pink cockatoos. They contain many important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Some of the most popular dried flowers for rodents and parakeets are marigolds, chamomile flowers, hibiscus flowers and rose flowers.
Chamomile flowers
Weight: 100 g
  1. essential oil
  2. flavonoids
  3. coumarins

Content: 0.1 kg (€36.00* / 1 kg )

Cornflower blossoms
Weight: 100 g
  1. Flavonoids
  2. Bitters
  3. Mucilages
  4. Polyphenols

Content: 0.1 kg (€49.00* / 1 kg )

Weight: 100 g
  1. Potassium
  2. Calcium
  3. Iron
  4. Magnesium
  5. Vitamin C
  6. Saponins
  7. Tannins and
  8. Flavonoids

Content: 0.1 kg (€99.00* / 1 kg )

Dandelion flowers
Weight: 100 g
  1. vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C and D
  2. Bitters

Content: 0.1 kg (€49.00* / 1 kg )

Hibiscus flowers
Weight: 100 g
  1. Citric acid
  2. Malic acid
  3. Tartaric acid
  4. Hibiscus acid
  5. Anthocyanins
  6. Flavonoids
  7. Phytosterols
  8. Mucilages
  9. Vitamin C
  10. Pectins

Content: 0.1 kg (€35.00* / 1 kg )

Hop flowers
Weight: 100 g
  1. flavonoids
  2. tannins
  3. small amounts of essential oil

Content: 0.1 kg (€32.00* / 1 kg )

Jasmine flowers
Weight: 100 g
  1. essential oils (jasmine oil)
  2. vitamins A, B12 & C
  3. pleasant fragrance

Content: 0.1 kg (€45.00* / 1 kg )

Mallow flowers
Weight: 100 g
  1. mucilages
  2. Tannins
  3. Essential oils

Content: 0.1 kg (€75.00* / 1 kg )

Marigold flowers
Weight: 100 g
  1. Flavonoids
  2. Saponins
  3. Carotenoids
  4. Polysaccharides

Content: 0.1 kg (€28.00* / 1 kg )

Sunflower blossoms
Weight: 100 g
  1. antioxidant
  2. flavonoids
  3. tannins

Content: 0.1 kg (€71.00* / 1 kg )

Yarrow flowers
Weight: 100 g
  1. essential oils
  2. tannins
  3. flavonoids
  4. bitter substances
  5. potassium

Content: 0.1 kg (€21.00* / 1 kg )

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Peanuts, shelled
Weight: 100 g
  1. High in protein
  2. Iron
  3. Phosphorus
  4. Potassium
  5. Calcium
  6. Magnesium
  7. Trace elements

Content: 0.1 kg (€16.00* / 1 kg )

Dried flowers are an excellent feed supplement

for feeding rodents & rabbits, as well as parakeets & parrots.
They contain important nutrients that are essential for the health and well-being of these animals. In this infotext we will look more closely at the benefits of dried flowers for rodents & rabbits, as well as parakeets & parrots.

Dried flowers are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is essential for dwarf hamsters & degus, as well as parakeets & various parrots. Vitamin C is an important nutrient that boosts the immune system, promotes collagen production, and enhances the absorption of iron from plant foods. Since rats & mice, as well as budgies & cockatoos, cannot produce vitamin C themselves, they must obtain it through their diet. Dried flowers are an excellent source of this important vitamin and should therefore be regularly included in their diet.

Dried flowers also contain many important minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. These minerals are essential for bone and muscle function and help keep rodents & rabbits but also parakeets & parrots healthy and strong. Dried flowers are a natural source of these minerals and can help prevent deficiencies.

In addition, dried flowers are an excellent source of dietary fiber. Fiber is essential for the digestion of dwarf hamsters, colored mice, guinea pigs and rabbits, as well as budgies & gray parrots, helping to keep them healthy. They promote intestinal health by aiding intestinal motility and preventing constipation. Dried flowers are an excellent source of fiber and should therefore be included in the diet of rats, gerbils & degus, as well as cockatiels & pink cockatoos.

Chinchillas & dwarf rabbits love dried flowers for their delicious taste and appealing texture. Rosella parakeets & noble parrots, on the other hand, love to cut up and shred dried flowers and play with them. They can be given as a healthy treat or as a supplement to their regular food. Dried flowers are available in many different varieties including chamomile, calendula, dandelion or lavender.

In summary, dried flowers are an excellent addition to the diet of hamsters, mice, colored rats & rabbits, as well as budgerigars, cockatiels & agapornids. They contain important nutrients such as vitamin C, minerals and fiber that are essential for the health and well-being of these animals. They can be given as a healthy treat or as a supplement to their regular diet and are loved by rodents and rabbits for their delicious taste and appealing texture, as well as for shredding and breaking down parakeets & parrots. If you want to provide a healthy diet for your guinea pigs and chinchllas or your lovebirds & amazons, you should feed dried flowers.